The Gr8 Figma Scavenger Hunt
Birthday Card station at the Figma Scavenger Hunt: The game was the week of their CEO’s birthday, so one task was to create a birthday card for him
Explore, Connect, and Play Together
Figma is a rapidly growing company headquartered in San Francisco. The main goal of this team-building event was for staff members who might never interact in their day-to-day to get to know each other and become comfortable around each other.
Teams hunker down to solve clues and plot out their plan of attack for the scavenger hunt
Getting silly: Marie couldn’t play since she helped us create the game, so she hid inside the game under a disguise and helped the sloth hand out clues to teams
When we walked into their office, it was clear that they already had a great company culture. Marie, Figma’s Head of People Operations, gave us a run-down of all the fun, silly, quirky things that happen at Figma. She told us about their office dogs, their happy hours, and their book wall. She showed us a slightly embarrassing video of Figma Team members professing their love to Figma in a choreographed song. She also gave us a tour of their conference rooms, which are named after Pantone colors.
Scavenger Hunt Kick-Off: Everyone was gathered for the presentation of game rules
The Scavenger Hunt Kick-Off
After lunch, the whole Figma team was gathered in their office for a presentation. A video came on explaining the rules of the scavenger hunt, but it wasn’t Gr8er Good Games staff explaining the rules, rather it was Figma remote co-workers, who were let into the secret a week ago. They created a video of themselves with their dogs, in a coffeeshop, wearing funny hats and inside their living room giving the teams all the instructions they need for the game.
Then it was off to the races! Players had to find their teammates and clue packets hidden throughout the conference room and got straight to solving the clues and puzzles.
In their clue packets, teams recieved photos, instructions, clues, a map, a decoder ring, and a pen
Jigsaw puzzle instructing teams to spell out Figma in Semaphore in the lobby of the SF Moma
Later on in the game, teams found a clue telling them to find a message hidden inside their pens
A Very Figma Puzzle
Our game designer even created a puzzle that integrated photos of the Figma office dogs into Figma’s product, their collaborative design tool, to create a clue that only Figma team members can solve!
We transformed their conference rooms into mini-escape games, complete with our signature painted treasure boxes
A team looks at the clues hidden among their office decorations and furniture
Remote, but Included
Most of Figma’s team worked in their headquarters in SF or were in town for meetings, but not everyone was around. So we created a couple of ways to integrate remote workers into the game:
By being a part of the introductory video
By submitting a video for an Augmented Reality Puzzle
By voting on their Scavenger Hunt Slack channel for the best photos, selfies and videos for the coveted Audiance Choice Awards
We even hid a clue inside that day’s SF Chronicle for teams to find
Remote teams members participated on Slack
So what did the Figma Team think about their offsite?
“It was surprisingly spot on, the FIgma company details. That was really cool”
“I’ve done a lot of scavenger hunts that were a mess and they were frustrating, but this one was very well organized. The clues were simple enough to find but still required teamwork. I met people on my team that I never really would have talked to...”
“Well, we were once just coworkers and now we are, I think I can speak for the group when I say: best friends, life-long friends...”